Raku Blue Ceramic Brick Effect Wall Tiles

75 SQM in Stock

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Q & A

Do tiles go behind upstandings or continue above them?Our Advice

Hi Penny, Thanks for your query. I am just a little confused. If you'd like to get in contact via email, with some further details, I'd be happy to assist. Kind Regards, Holly. Walls and Floors

Daren 29/11/23
Hi would these be ok to use on the floor?Our Advice

Hi Daren, These tiles are not suitable for floor application. Only for walls.

joe spencer12/11/23
what grout to use so its the same colour as what the tiles come with as you have 6 stuck together. i had a sample and didnt realise that 6 are stuck together if makes sense Our Advice

Hi Joe We would recommend using Mapei Ultracolour Plus Silver Grey Grout with these tiles: https://www.wallsandfloors.co.uk/mapei-ultracolour-plus-grout-ultracolour-plus-111-silver-tile-grout?_br_psugg_q=silver%20grey%20grout Kind Regards Wals and Floors

What size tile spacers should is use with these tiles to create the seamless look Our Advice

Hey Niki, For wall application, the British Standard is a minimum of 2mm. So this is the size I would use.

Please can you confirm the slip ratingOur Advice

Hey Reda These tiles are not suitable for floor application, only walls. They do not have an anti-slip rating.

Planning to use these tiles on two of our bathroom walls and then paint the other two. Any suggestions for wall paint colour and floor tiles? Would be really grateful!Our Advice

Hey Claudina, My best suggestion for these tiles would be either of the below colours, from our 'Zhoosh' range of paints. https://www.wallsandfloors.co.uk/zhoosh-pop-grey-paint-for-walls-ceilings https://www.wallsandfloors.co.uk/zhoosh-pop-blue-paint-for-walls-ceilings Both colours have peel-and-stick paint samples, that you can order to your door and place up in your bathroom. Kind Regards, Walls and Floors.

Elizabeth 09/01/23
What adhesive would you suggest if tiling over tiles? Also what is the recommended space between each tile please? Our Advice

Hello Elizabeth, The British standard minimum space between the tiles for wall application is 2MM and floor application is 3MM, In regards to tiling on top tiles, this can vary dependent on the project, I would suggest contacting us by email to discuss this further - customerservice@wallsandfloors.co.uk

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