Ledgestone Black Split Face Slate 300x150 Tiles

643 SQM in Stock

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Q & A

Sue Wherry14/07/24
Hi Can these be used as a fireplace surround as we want to retire the one in the bungalow we are buying.Our Advice

Hi Sue, Yes, these tiles can be used in a fireplace surrounding, however, they must be 4-6 inches away from the direct heat. Kind Regards, Walls and Floors.

Am I right in saying that these tile don’t need any type of grout and they are laid just butted up against each other?Our Advice

Hi Brian, Yes, this is correct. As they are natural slate, they do not require grouting. Kind Regards, Walls and Floors.

Can the sealant be sprayed on to the tiles?Our Advice

Hi Roxie The sealant we sell needs ot be applied with a paintbrush ideally to ensure that a good layer is applied to all of the tile. Kind Regards Walls and Floors

Wai Lam24/07/23
Can these tiles be used in a fireplace chamber?Our Advice

Hi Wai Yes, these tiles are suitable for use around a fireplace. We recommend they are fitted at least 6 inches from the heat source and with a flexible, cement-based adhesive. Kind Regards Walls and Floors

Hi would these tiles be ok to be fitted externally to the wall of house? Also would the frost damage them? ThanksOur Advice

Hello Chris, Yes, these tiles are suitable for outdoor walls, and yes they are frost resistant, we would recommend laying them with Mapei Keraquick S1 and then sealing these with Mattstone - I have attached links to both products below, https://www.wallsandfloors.co.uk/mapei-adhesive-keraquick-grey-tile-adhesive https://www.wallsandfloors.co.uk/ltp-cleaning-protecting-ltp-mattstone-tile-sealer?_br_psugg_q=mattstone

Claire Brook04/10/22
Would the Ledgestone Black Slate Split Face 150x300 be ok behind a wood burning stove?Our Advice

Hi Claire Thanks for your query. So long as the tils are fitted correctly they are a good choice for that type of project. Kind regards Walls and Floors

Stewart Rea28/02/22
Postage cost to IM8 3ND for 120 Ledgestone Blackface Spilt Face 150mm x 300mm x 10mm (5.40sqm) tilesOur Advice

Hi Stewart Thanks for your query. The delivery cost for that would be £120.00 Kind regards Walls and Floors