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Cava Victorian Bone White Floor Tiles

176 SQM in Stock

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How many do I need?
0.45 KG
5 ?
R9 / 6-10 Degrees

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Q & A

Rhona Taylor08/10/24
Do you sell the plain blue porcelain tiles pictured in your photograph of Cava Victorian Bone White Tiles? I would like the same check on my sunroom floor.Our Advice

Hi Rhona, This is a tile we used to sell but it was recently discontinued by the supplier and we no longer hold any stock I'm afraid. Kind regards, Walls and Floors

Do you still stock the blue tiles in this range? Our Advice

Hi sally. Unfortunately, we no longer sell the Cava Blue Tiles as they have been discontinued now. Kind regards, Walls and Floors.

Danielle Wright 29/06/23
Hi, are these tiles suitable for outdoor high traffic foot path? Also what color grout would you recommend for the black/off white tiles please?Our Advice

Hi Danielle, Many of our customers use these tiles externally and have no issues with them. As the tiles are only rated an R9, I'd recommend ordering a sample, getting it wet, and ensuring it provides enough slip resistance for your project. As for the grout colour, it is a complete personal preference. Most people ted to use a mid-grey colour with these tiles. Kind Regards, Walls and Floors.

I am looking at using these on my driveway path. Sometimes we may need to park the car on the path. Will these crack under the weight of a car? How should they best be fitted?Our Advice

Hey Chris, These tiles are a grade 5, so as long as they are laid correctly, meaning back-buttered and grouted, using 3mm minimum grout joints, they should be fine.

John Dundas25/05/22
Hi, please could you tell if these tiles needs to be sealed when laying outdoors? Thanks Our Advice

Hi John Thanks for your query. These are a matt porcelain tile and as such there is no set requirement to seal them however, I would suggest using before grouting to prevent staining and after to help keep them looking their best if used outdoors. Kind regards Walls and Floors

John Dundas25/05/22
Hi, please could you tell if these tiles needs to be sealed when laying outdoors? Thanks Our Advice

Hi John Thanks for your query. These are a matt porcelain tile and as such, there is no set requirement to seal them however, I would suggest using before grouting to prevent staining and after to help keep them looking their best if used outdoors. Kind regards Walls and Floors

Hi, are the Cava Victorian tile range glazed or unglazed? Many thanks, DanielOur Advice

Hi Daniel Thanks for your query. The Cava tiles are unglazed porcelain. Kind regards Walls and floors

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