How To Prepare An Uneven Wall or Floor for Tiling

The short answer to ‘How to prepare an uneven wall or floor for tiling’: There are numerous ways to make a bumpy, uneven or unlevel surface ready for tiling! Plastering, backer boards and self-levelling compound are all great options…

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Long answer: Believe it or not there are more uneven walls and floors than there are even ones. Tilers and DIYers have been battling this problem for years and although it can be a nuisance if you aren’t expecting it – it is possible to achieve a smart, flat surface for you to tile on.

Plastering: Level Those Uneven Walls

Plastering the walls is the best way to ensure that the walls are nice and even and ready for you to tile on. It can be worth getting a professional plasterer in to complete the task, as plastering is a difficult skill to master and plastering a perfectly flat, even surface is not for beginners.

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Self levelling compound for an uneven floor

For an uneven concrete floor, a floor leveller will solve all your problems. As with plastering, it is a difficult skill to master, but not out of the realms of possibility for a DIY enthusiast and will take some time to apply – but is worth it in the long run as it creates the base for your floor. The secret is to ensure your surface is clean and prepared before you apply the leveller.

Backer Boards

A Concrete Backer board can cover up an uneven wall with ease. At Walls and Floors, we recommend HardieBacker Boards as they are mould and moisture resistant, easy to work with yet remain sturdy in their lifespan. The Backer provides a flat even surface that can be screwed into the wall and cover over any uneven problem areas.
It is wise to attach them to strong support areas as the concrete boards and tiles weigh a lot and you run the risk of them adding stress to the walls. But they are easy to install and create an instant flat surface for use on walls and floors.

Use varying amounts of adhesive

The option of using a varying amount of adhesive is quick and easy. By back buttering the tile and adding adhesive to the surface to pack out the base and raise the tile to the level of the one next to it – just always ensure you have a spirit level and good eye. If this is the option for you, make sure you use a thick-set tile adhesive that can survive being built upon.

prepare uneven wall or uneven floor tiling

Once you have levelled your surface you’ll find yourself with a bare wall or floor space; ready for preparing for tiling! If you haven’t decided on which tiles you’ll be using yet, browse our range of floor tiles and over 2,000 tile designs.

If you found this guide on how to prepare an uneven wall or uneven floor for tiling, you should visit our Tile Glossary! It’s the Wikipedia of tiling queries and information. Tag us in your DIY projects on Instagram, @Wallsandfloors we love seeing what you’ve been up to!

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