How to Paint your Radiator

We all have them and we all rely on them to keep us warm in the coder months, but they can sometimes be a bit of an eye sore in your well thought out home design. There are ways of using your radiator within your design so that it compliments the space beautifully. This can be anything from painting it a vibrant colour so it stands out and becomes it’s own work of art, or you can give it a lick of the same shade of paint as your walls, so it blends seamlessly into the background.

To paint your radiator you will need:

  • Cloth to clean
  • Paintbrush (we’d recommend a natural bristle brush)
  • Paint (suitable for metal)
  • Masking tape
  • Paper
  • Paint tray
  • Wet and dry abrasive paper
  • Dust sheet

Prepare the Space –

When painting your radiator it’s important to prep the area around the space to ensure there’s no unnecessary mess to clean up. This makes your life a whole lot easier later down the line. Before doing anything with your radiator, ensure it is turned off and cold. Grab an old cloth and wipe down your radiator to remove any dust or dirt. Use paper and masking tape to completely shield the wall space behind your radiator from any potential paint splashes or marks. Do the same for your floors with a dust sheet, protecting it from any drips or spills.

Green paint tin with dust sheet and paintbrushes in background.

Prepare your Radiator –

Apply masking tape to any valves or pipes that you don’t want to be painted or damaged. Use your wet and dry abrasive paper with a small amount of water and rub the surface of the radiator evenly to take the first layer of any old product off. If your radiator looks uneven and blotchy after this, we’d recommend priming your surface with our White Paint Primer. This will also enhance the colour of your chosen shade of paint, so it will shine to its true potential.

Faith grey gloss tiles with black radiator and white tub.
Above, Faith Grey Gloss Wall and Floor Tile/ Signature Venlo Blanco Marble Effect Tiles

Paint the Surface –

Open your paint and stir thoroughly until the paint is combined and the perfect consistency. You can either pour your paint into a paint tray or dip straight into the tin, but this can get a bit messy. Dip your paint brush into your paint and begin applying to the surface of the radiator, starting at the edges of the radiator and working your way in. Use long, sweeping motions with your brush to spread the paint for an even coat. Leave for a minimum of two hours before applying a second coat. Apply as many coats as you need to get the pigmentation you desire. Allow to fully dry for around 5-6 hours before turning on your radiator.

Faith gloss tiles with white radiator and white tub.
Above, Faith Grey Gloss Wall and Floor Tile

There you have our guide on how to paint your radiator. We hope this helped and now you feel inspired to get the paintbrush out and add a splash of colour! Be sure to tag us in pictures of your results on Instagram, @Wallsandfloors, we love seeing your designs!