The bathroom is the place where we like to relax and unwind after a hard day of Christmas shopping, or after a long time slaving away at the stove! Whether we’re soaking in the tub, or standing under a nice hot shower, the bathroom acts as a soothing sanctuary where we can lock ourselves away from any excessive festive stress…

Above, Victorian Green Metro Tiles
It’s also one of the rooms our guests are most likely to visit when they’re over for Christmas, so it’s important to create a stylish scheme we can relax in, whilst at the same time impressing our visitors! Here are some fab ideas for reviving the bathroom…
Relaxing and natural
When it comes to decorating the bathroom, it’s a good idea to go for a charming, soothing natural scheme. By introducing wood and stone surfaces into the bathroom, you’re allowing yourself to feel closer to nature which, in turn, helps you to relax and unwind. And that’s exactly what you – and your guests – need when soaking in the tub, or standing under the shower.

Above, Yuri™ Sand 90% Recycled Tiles
The problem with natural woods and stones is that they’re costly, they require ongoing treatment and maintenance, and they’re not all that durable. That’s why lots of designers opt for realistic stone effect and wood effect porcelain and ceramic alternatives instead!
Clutter-free bathroom
If you’re having guests over for the Yuletide period, the chances are they’ll end up nipping to the loo. Or, if they’re staying over, they might even hop in the bath or shower! Create a clutter-free bathroom you can be proud of. Here are 3 tips for a more organized look…

Above, Raku Sage Tiles
1) Add a tray
Everyday essentials like hand soap, earbuds, toothpaste and toothbrushes can look like clutter. One simple trick for making them look deliberately, pretty and organized is to gather them together on a tray.

Above, Mizuki™ Fossil Terrazzo Ceramic Tiles
2) Roll up your towels
If you’ve got an open-faced cupboard or an inset shelf stuffed with towels, try rolling them up! It creates an organized, spa-styled appearance, and it’s actually easier to remove the towel of your choosing!

3) Keep the best, throw the rest
Sort through everything you have on show, and get rid of the items you don’t need (or stash them elsewhere, out of sight). Do you have bottles of shampoo or conditioner that you’ll never use? Are there excessive ornaments? Be ruthless – bathrooms are about relaxing, and clear, uncluttered surfaces help this process!

Above, Hope Mink Gloss Brick Effect Wall Tiles
Make it: Bath Bombs!
As lovely as the Christmas period is, it can be fairly stressful when it comes to getting all the gift shopping done, and pulling off the perfect feast without any burnt spuds. That’s why we know the importance of a relaxing, de-stressing, frothy bath! To help you achieve exactly that, we’ve created a step by step guide to creating your very own bath bombs.
Click here for the guide: How to make your very own bath bombs.

Create a Heated Floor
When it’s frosty outside, there’s nothing nicer than soaking in a nice warm bath! But imagine, once the water has cooled, stepping out of the tub onto an ice-cold floor – brrrr! That’s why under tile heating is such a perfect addition to a floor space!
You may think that underfloor heating is expensive. However, with under-tile heating mats, which sit beneath a tiled floor, that simply isn’t the case! They’re very affordable to buy, install and run, and they’re more effective at heating the room than the radiator! With our interest-free finance options, you can even spread the cost.
Browse our underfloor heating selection today!

Above, Yuri™ Basalt 90% Recycled Tiles
How are you styling your living room for Christmas? We’d love to know! Tag us in your projects on Instagram @wallsandfloors.