Alisha created an Entertainment Worthy Outdoor Space with our Mist Tiles

Alisha from @thecharlton_no39 created an outdoor space that’s perfect for entertaining family and friends using our Mist Light Grey Concrete Effect Porcelain Paving Slabs. The dark furniture along with the green, floral touches really makes her garden a great gathering spot!

Outdoor table and chairs with flowers

Thick and durable, these tiles are designed in a light colour with a matt finish, perfect for creating patio areas where you can enjoy dinner time in the summer, a quiet coffee in the morning or simple relaxation in the sun.

Outdoor table and chairs with flowers

These gorgeous tiles can be used both indoors and outdoors and are designed with rectified edges so that they fit together closely for a seamless transition between your home and garden.

Close up of outdoor table and chairs with flowers

Made with an R11 anti-slip surface, these porcelain tiles are a perfect fit for outdoor spaces, for a hardwearing, easy to clean flooring option that will last a lifetime.

Far away pic of outdoor table and chairs with flowers and lawn

If your like Alisha’s use of these tiles, why not browse our range of porcelain paving slabs? Check out the links below for inspiration!

Anna Marie Clementson
Anna Marie Clementson See author's posts